I thought I'd try my hand at the word / phrase prompt challenge raised by the Hodge Podge girls.
This week's challenge was journalling-related, and we were asked to start with the words: "Today you..." and list 10 things that your subject did today. I cheated slightly and based my page on yesterday - but that is when I started working on the digi layout so it isn't really breaking the rules!
I used supplies from Jessica Sprague, House of Three, Moulin Rouge, Shabby Princess, Raspberry Road and Java Joe - thanks guys!
The photo features (oh, what a surprise!) one of our lovely menagerie - Tok, our Hungarian Vizsla.
I might not be around much after today for a few days as I'm taking some time off, and don't plan to be on line that often. But you never know, I might just drop in to say hallo!